Please enjoy and share this “Choose your own adventure” using Youtube lesson plan that I made with my friends Georgette Sumners and Noah Forbes!
Here is a link to the lesson plan:
July 28, 2022 — 3:38 pm
Thanks for the video and the lesson plan, I enjoyed watching it! Your lesson is very ambitious and features a lot of different skills that students can practice. I like how you are using a choose-your-own-adventure format to explore video making, as this allows for a lot of creativity on the part of the students to act, record, and edit their films. If I were to add anything to your lesson is would be to include some kind of digital story-board element or comic they can use a part of their planning stage, as I find this can be the most difficult part of a project like this. My only question is, is there a reason why Applied Design Skills and Technology curricular competencies is not included in your lesson? There are lots of skills in the ADST curriculum that would mesh well with your lesson, which is excellent!