This week our class was lucky enough to be visited by the principal of the Pacific School of Innovation and Inquiry (PSII), Jeff Hopkins. After last week’s discussion with Trevor MacKenzie, I think it was really insightful to learn how a school could be based on this inquiry process. I really like the steps of developing a set of questions, doing research, developing new questions, and developing learning outcomes that Jeff Hopkins talked about. I would definitely consider following those steps with my future students. Jeff made a great point about how open-ended the elementary curriculum is here in BC. As future elementary school teachers, we are going to have a lot of freedom when choosing how to cover the curriculum and free inquiry is a really good option that engages students and leads to holistic learning. I find it so interesting that as a society we generally accept that everyone is unique but when it comes to education, we generalize everything and expect everyone to be able to succeed. Over time, as we are going towards inclusion and accepting diversity, yet we definitely have work to do. With that said, I think that inquiry-based learning is definitely a step in the right direction.